1authenticheart.com Version 2.0!

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I'm often asked by people about the type of work I do and the type of client I serve. When I tell them I work with Christian women, supporting them in following the God-given call on their lives and mobilising them with the strategies they need to build a purpose-driven business, the responses I often receive are pretty confusing to me...

"Aww, that's so sweet." "That's lovely."

I know I say lovely a lot. But to be honest, these responses trigger me because 'sweet' and 'lovely' are not the only words which we as faith-focussed women should be described as. Working with Christian women is an honour and a privilege, but I don't do it because I think any of the women I work with are these 'sweet', 'lovely' women without purpose, drive and POWER on the inside of them. Far from it.

I'm literally DONE with the online entrepreneurial space being saturated by 'healers' and 'spiritual leaders' while the Christians are apparently in hiding…

I’m not here to judge or to point the finger at anyone in particular but to put it plainly, we need more Christian leaders. More women who are AMAZING at what they do and also aren't afraid to say they love Jesus while they're doing it.

No, not everyone's businesses are evangelistic. But the more Christian women are mobilised to build and scale businesses for themselves and are seen as leaders in their industries, the less space there is for online tarot readings with hundreds of viewers and filled up law of attraction and chakra courses.

We need more Christian women mobilised to step into their power.

If I watch another 'live card reading' streamed to hundreds of vulnerable women and don't say anything, I'm doing the call on my life a disservice. So don’t mind me as I start speaking up and speaking out. In fact, I really hope you’ll join in.

So, if you're DONE with playing small and subconsciously handing over your space in the business world to that woman who 'has been doing it so much longer', 'has way more of a following', 'is much better at Facebook live' (literally insert your excuse here.) then I want to work with you and support you in recognising that your God-given gifts are NEEDED and the world is truly waiting for your work.

I’ve just re-launched my website and so all my content is readily available for you to dive into. Check it out at 1authenticheart.com (if you’re reading this on the blog – you’re already there. Welcome!)

Blog posts, courses, programs, books, talks and more… and PLENTY more where that came from actually because of everything I’ve said above.

You’ll notice I’ve been writing more frequently over the past week or so, and that’s here to stay. I started this whole online thing back in 2011 with a blog and I’m bringing it back because writing is a place God speaks to me loudest. I can’t wait to keep sharing everything with you.

If you’re a LEADER and you know it, check out my new 1:1 program ‘Emerge’ it’s been designed for you. >> http://1authenticheart.com/emerge << Book a call with me and let’s end 2017 better than you started it.

If this post has given you the welcome kick into gear you needed and now you’re ready to launch and need a plan – join me LIVE this Saturday for my four hour STOP STALLING Boot Camp. I’m running a BONUS TRAINING in the group TOMORROW so don’t slack on this one! >> http://1authenticheart.com/bootcamp <<

Thanks for being a part of the journey so far. I truly hope you'll continue to be and that I'll be getting to know some of you even better soon. Let's do this lovely!

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